You may have known for 20 years, if your plastic bottle is poisoned.
Right now the FDA says only that keep monitoring data to see if the agency must take regulatory action. It might take 20 or 30 years, until they actually emptied the effects on the human body from toxins from plastic bottles.
For now, no serious action is in relation to very serious health risks of plastic bottles, plastic food containers made of gifts,and much more.
That's why your plastic bottle could be dangerous: most bottled water comes in bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate, indicated by a number 1, PET or PETE bottles on the floor. While some scientists believe that these bottles generally safe at room temperature if stored at warm temperatures, the story changes.
If the bottles are heated, they begin to filter out chemicals in water rapidly. It does not matter if the bottles are still sealed, isthe bottle you are drinking and take with you all day. Scientists agree that the bottle left in a hot car all day dangerous - but how hot is too hot? And how hot the bottles during transport? How hot when they were sent before the Sabbath in a warehouse? You have no way of knowing.
According to Ken Smith, PhD, and former president of the American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry, "Leave the water bottle in the car changes the chemicalBalance so that the materials ranging from plastic water faster. "
Note that it says, the heat causes chemicals to enter the water, but that makes them go faster in water. This would mean that even if your water has been cooled from the day it was bottled in bottles, chemicals leaching him.
Founded in 2006, scientists in Germany, found that antimony, a toxic material used in the production of PET, which starts leaching into the water immediately. The longer it sitsin memory, the more toxic it becomes. High concentrations of antimony can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In the study, levels considered "safe" to EPA standards, but admit that there are no long-term studies to determine if "safe" were really safe.
Then the following year, he found a National Institutes of Health committee that bisphenol A (BPA) may cause neurological and behavioral problems in fetuses, infants and young children. Another study found that adultExposure to BPA affects the brain is likely, the female reproductive organs and the immune system. BPA is a chemical found in polycarbonate, making the cold water jug, water bottles and other hard plastic sports.
Some plastics used for bottles of water along with some cosmetics and fragrances, shower curtains, and even children's toys containing phthalates.
Phthalates are under scrutiny, because they are increasingly endocrine disruptors. This means that block or mimic hormones andEffects on normal body functions. The effects of exposure to these substances may increase - and research shows that fetuses exposed to high levels during the critical time of development, the results can be devastating.
What about fruit juices, milk and soft drinks?
So far I have not seen any studies or heard a scream. But it is obvious that when chemicals seep into your water from plastic containers, plastics also leach in any other product thatto hold.
Many experts now recommend that you throw away plastic bottles - and even stop, the plastic in the house for food storage. They recommend buying juices in cans and glass containers, or at least to transfer them in glass containers, once their home.